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Is spotting brown common in early pregnancy?

Sometimes spotting is harmless, but sometimes it's a sign of something more serious. Here is some advice from women who've been there - and some of their firsthand experiences, too. Don't panic! First find out what's going on with your body.
Go test your hcg levels, even if it means going to the ER. I just had a miscarriage in January (1st pregnancy) and I just found out I'm pregnant again (4 months later) about a week and a half ago. Well, 4 days ago I had some brown discharge. I freaked out and went to the doctor. He tested my hormones, looked at me, said it wasn't blood - he just called it brown stuff. He told me I would have to wait and see what my hcg levels were. Today, being that I've been worried and I didn't feel like waiting till Wednesday (which is 4 more days from now) I went to the ER and they tested my levels of hcg. I've gone from 111 last Saturday to 3488 this Sunday, so my baby is growing strong. My girl friend told me that with 1 out of her 3 pregnancies she had the brown discharge too, and her daughter is beautiful. So my suggestion to any of you who are worried is: go test your levels even if it means going behind your doctors' back to the ER. It's your baby and its your piece of mind that is at stake.
It's common to have brown discharge and it isn't necessarily a sign of a problem with the pregnancy. Here's my story: I started spotting (light brown discharge) last Wednesday. It isn't heavy, only saw it sometimes (three times a day if that, otherwise normal clear discharge) when I wiped, did have extremely sore breasts and was extremely moody as well as feeling hungry all the time. I was planning to go to a scan on Tuesday, because I had had a miscarriage only 2-3 months ago at 5weeks 3 days. The doctor indicated that this was the same; I'm seven weeks, done 4 pregnancy tests and come out positive with a very strong line each time. Was feeling sick - probably due to being nervous (it had been 5 days, though before this started I did have a yellow/darkish discharge for about 2 days before - the nurse said it was due to hormonal changes. I didn't know if this was spotting). Well, it turned out to be ok. I had an internal scan done and they found a heartbeat and everything was fine with the baby - well, as much as they could tell as this stage. It is incredibly common to have a brown discharge, it is just due to hormones - my discharge comes out all funny (different shades of yellow). But the bottom line is, as long as there is no pain or severe cramping, it's considered to be ok.
What causes brown spotting, anyway?
Spotting brown blood is an indication of old, dry blood that is for some reason in the cervix. The most common reason is if you have sexual intercourse and irritation of the cervix causes a little tear. Not enough that it comes flowing out, but like when you urinate or you wipe, you might see it on the tissue. Unless you are passing bright red blood and clots, brown spotting is pretty harmless.
Brown spotting is perfectly normal in early pregnancy. One reason for this type of spotting is called implantation bleeding. This occurs approx. 2 weeks after conception and 4 weeks since your last menstrual period. Another reason this could be happening is your body could be releasing old blood. Neither of these reasons are cause for concern.
Some women's experiences of spotting and miscarriage:
Coming to terms with a miscarriage... I was 5 weeks pregnant when I noticed a tiny bit of brown spotting. I had been exercising when I noticed it and figured that caused it. Over the next week and 1/2 I noticed that I didn't have a lot of pregnancy symptoms. I did have tender breasts but that was it, no morning sickness or aversions to food. One week and a half later I noticed more brown spotting and went to the hospital. The ultrasound showed that my fetus was only 5 weeks in size and that my hcg levels were low for 7 weeks. I was sure about the dates and knew that I was experiencing a miscarriage. The brown spotting turned into red and brown blood over the next few hours. That night, I woke up with absolutely terrible cramps which were actually contractions. I have been bleeding for three days and am trying to come to terms with the idea that I am no longer pregnant.
Even if it's bad news, it's good to know about it ASAP. Spotting brown blood seamed to be normal. I am around what I thought was 11wks pregnant with my first child. I noticed some spotting last night it kept changing from red to brown. However, I am feeling no pain, no cramps, nothing out of the norm! I went to the emergency room and they can't find my baby's heartbeat. They are preparing me for a miscarriage. I have to go back on Wednesday to check and see what my hormone count is. Right now I'm at 14 thousand. If by Wednesday two days from now it has not increased to 28 thousand, then I am losing the baby. So brown spotting can be a bad sign - go get checked ASAP.


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