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The Role Of Physical Exercises For Pregnant Women

For instance, pregnant women should follow a healthy diet and not in the last place they should maintain their health and a nice body shape by doing physical exercises. In addition to this, exercises during pregnancy are a new discovery and many pregnant women tend to adopt it in order to keep a nice figure and also to have a healthy body. Moreover, by doing exercises during pregnancy, women not only maintain their weight and nice figure but also they can pass easier over the pregnancy symptoms having an important role in balancing the hormones, improving constipation, lessening morning nausea and also in preventing or managing gestational diabetes.exercise for pregnancyFurthermore, it is important to say that pregnant women should ask a medical advice before they start the exercises. On the other hand some women have a complicated pregnancy and cannot perform physical exercises. Pregnant women have the chance to perform great activities at home together with their husbands or in special places where many pregnant women gather and do physical exercises supervised by a specialist. For instance, a common activity which pregnant women usually choose is aerobics, exercises that increase the heart rate and pump oxygen and nutrients thought the body. Other low impact activities are: walking, swimming, stationary cycling. Moreover, other examples of exercises are yoga and pilates which are useful for the physical and mental health and usually combine breathing, stretching and breathing techniques.
Another group of exercises are Kegels, a pregnancy exercises which are very easy to perform.
Best Exercise For Pregnant Women - What to Do and What to Avoid
These days most folks realise the importance and benefits of regular exercise for pregnant women. It not only helps you avoid those awful back and joint pains, but can aid in your breathing and help you have a swifter less painful labour. - Hold your breath for long periods
- Participate in contact sports - Basketball, Football etc.
- Bounce or stretch unnecessarily
- Put undue strain on your abdominal area
Now, before starting any exercise I would always advise that you speak to your doctor first and talk through any exercise routines you may have in mind.
1/ Buttock Leg Lifts Exercise For Pregnant Women
Lift your right knee forward and then extend your right leg backwards until it is straight. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each leg, always making sure you keep your back straight.
This exercise for pregnant women works your gluteal muscles (i.e. your butt), and if you're feeling adventurous you move your opposite forward in unison with your leg - right leg, left arm; left leg, right arm.
2/ Pelvic Tilt Exercise
Whilst on your hands and knees drop your abdominals so that your back arches downwards, then tighten your abdominals upwards so that your back arches upwards slightly as a cat would do. Repeat 10 times in a controlled fashion, always remembering to breath slowly and fully to get the full benefit. This exercise for pregnant women will work your lower back and abdominals.
3/ Wall Squats Exercise
This exercise for pregnant women is great for your thighs, lower back and butt. It can be performed with or without a "body ball" (those big soft rubber balls you find in the gym, which are good for abdominal exercises).
Bonus Exercise Tip:
All these exercises for pregnant women can be "supercharged" by getting some ankle or wrist weights and strapping them on to increase your effort and the benefit to you and your baby.


ellie24 said...

Yes, exercise is very good during pregnancy. It's better to start exercising
before pregnancy even takes place so women can slowly cope up to the
additional load. According to experts, exercising also helps reduce the
severity of morning sickness, or somewhat like a morning sickness treatment. Exercising just offers so many benefits that
it should be a part of every pregnant woman's routine.

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