Whether you need supplements of vitamins during pregnancy is a debatable issue. However, most women are of the opinion that, prenatal vitamins are vital for fulfilling the requirement of nutrition during pregnancy. This holds particularly true when you have a deficiency.
Common supplements of vitamins are those containing iron, folic acid, and other such crucial nutrients that you need during this nine-month phase. In case you are lactose-intolerant, the doctor may recommend you calcium supplements, to fulfill the increased calcium requirement in your body.
Not all women are so healthy that they can provide all the essential nutrients to their developing baby through natural food sources. Moreover, the need for calcium, minerals, iron, and vitamins increases. In such a situation, pregnancy vitamins help. There are more than 50 nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy. Let's take a look at some of the most important ones.
Pregnancy Nutrition
· Folic acid - it is a B vitamin, essential before conception and in first trimester. It decreases the risk of various scary neural tube defects like, spina bifida, encephalocele, and anencephaly.
· Iron - it is crucial, as it produced red blood cells that transport oxygen to the fetus. You need double amount of iron in this period.
· Calcium - it is essential for the healthy development of bones and teeth of your baby. It also prevents the onset of osteoporosis in you.
· Vitamin A - important for the health of skin, normal cell growth, and developing resistance to infection.
· Vitamin D - essential for strong bones of your baby and regulation of calcium absorption
· Vitamin C - inevitable for strong gums, teeth, and bones. Helps in iron absorption.
· B vitamins like vitamin B6, thiamine, and riboflavin - B6 is important for brain and nervous system development. Thiamine (B1) is essential for brain development. Riboflavin (B2) encourages development of muscles, bones, and nerves of your baby.
· Protein - it's the building block of your baby's cells.
· Potassium - it maintains fluid balance in cells.
· Zinc - helps in tissue development of your baby and reduces the risk of neural tube disorders.
The aim is to provide adequate nutrition during this stage. But, supplements are NOT a substitute for nutritious food. They work in combination with a balanced diet. Besides, always consult your doctor before staring any supplement for vitamins during pregnancy.
One of the benefits of taking vitamin B complex during pregnancy is that it works like a cure for morning sickness, reducing it's degree of severity.
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